Trees reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air and converting it into the biomass of the tree. By deferring, limiting, or eliminating future timber harvesting, forest landowners can generate Greenhouse Gas emission reductions and removals and receive compensation from project proponents or the purchaser(s) of the carbon credits that are developed.
There are a number of new and existing methodologies and forest carbon programs available to landowners and potential project proponents, depending on the size of the forested property and the availability of experienced consultants to assist and coordinate the planning, site inventory and management plan development required to calculate and determine credible carbon credits.
Two of the best- known Registries for Improved Forest Management Projects are:
American Carbon Registry (ACR): https://americancarbonregistry.org
Verra: https://verra.org
Both registries have developed standardized accounting procedures, monitoring requirements, reporting and verification policies and independent assessments for use to prepare an eligible project for listing on their registry. These policies and project details provide transparency and avoid double counting of carbon credits.
A local company, Core Carbon (https://www.corecarbon.com), based in Wayne PA recently announced the availability and approval of a new methodology for forest carbon projects that forest landowners with between 40 and 5,000 forest acres can utilize. The methodology relies on remote sensing technology to acquire and analyze forest data, thereby reducing project development costs.
Landowners will be able to receive yearly payments for their sustainable forest management activities that will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce any localized site impacts from earthmoving activities and accelerated stormwater runoff.
by Mike Sherman, Mount Gretna Resident